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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Friday October 24 18:18:09 2008
Re: I'm Looking For...
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> MagickRat wrote:
> > "Little Dragons" scenes will be posted in
> my
> > group soon. I recently recieved a pretty nice copy
> of
> > the entire film on DVD. However, my DVD players are
> very
> > picky when it comes to copied DVD's (3 DVD players
> in the
> > house & I had to watch it on my Playstation 2)
> The
> > scenes will take some time to put together... I
> plan on
> > adding some caps also.
> > Stay Tuned...
> Its been a while so lets break some ice
> Not to nitpick but it seems the members caps folder seems
> to be stuck. I haven't uploaded anything but I'm sure it
> will please the members.
> And uh how is the dragons project coming. I understand if
> you difficulties so take your time, no pressure

Not a problem...

First thing's first. I'll look into why the Members Caps folder don't want to co-operate. I can't understand why it won't myself. Must be a simple setting I overlooked. Anybody else have some ideas?

As for "Little Dragons". I'll be working on those scenes this weekend. Tomorrow night to be exact. I should be able to have them all done & uploaded by Sunday. Haven't had much time to myself recently but I'm setting aside some time this weekend to take care of my group, by hook or by crook. You have my word as a Magick Rat. Stay tuned...

Friday October 24 18:29:38 2008
Re: I'm Looking For...

> > Not to nitpick but it seems the members caps folder
> seems
> > to be stuck. I haven't uploaded anything but I'm
> sure it
> > will please the members.


I deleted the folder & made a new one. I set the settings to "Public" so any Member should be able to upload pics.

Make sure the pics you are trying to upload are JPEGs only.
Make sure they aren't larger than 5MB.

Let me know what happens. I'll have to contact Yahoo if it still doesn't work...

Friday October 24 19:20:57 2008
An easy one....
Hey guys, here is a VERY easy request, hopefuly someone will come thru.

I've recorded every day for far of the Lizzie kidnap plotline over on Guiding Light since it began. Today (Friday, Oct. 24) out satellite guys came over to re-align the dish & lo & behold just HAD to decide to come over right at 2:05 and didn't finish till 3:30, so I missed today's episode (and damn if Lizzie wasn't re-tied & re-gagged today!).

I know everyone has been watching this one, and most likely recording the episodes, so could someone who has recorded today's episode possible dub over a copy onto a VHS tape for me? I'd gladly supply the tape & shipping charges if needed, as well as something for the time & effort.

I just hate to have an entire scene except for one measly episode! Hope someone can help out.
thanks all, Jeff
Friday October 24 19:22:08 2008
Re: An easy one....
PS....you can email me directly rather than post here if you like....I'd be more likely to see it anyway. thanks again, Jeff

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