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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Friday August 24 22:18:11 2007
Re: youtube captures (moved from The Discussion Page)
Beta version of RealPlayer 11 has a "Download this Video" option. When you view a YouTube page, a "Download this Video" button pots up on the upper right of the video. When you select it, it adds it to the download manager and then downloads in into a folder.

It downloads it per a .flv file and no renaming is needed. Maybe an option for some.

I went to Realplayer's website and downloaded the beta for my Vista machine. I noticed to option during the installation. Not sure if this works for myspacetv or not.
Friday August 24 22:37:03 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > could you try, just tell me what you would need and
> > will try and help, i would love to have the scene

I can span it over two (maybe three) emails, but you left no address.

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