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Friday July 10 21:17:41 2009
Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
Anyone else getting a virus threat when they go to Major Johns Home page I get a HTML/Framer
Anyone else?

Friday July 10 21:17:55 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
devilman wrote:

> Anyone else getting a virus threat when they go to Major
> Johns Home page I get a HTML/Framer
> Anyone else?

No, but I keep getting a server error message about 75% of the time (for the past week or so) when I try to access THIS page from my main server, AOL, saying that "...index/html" cannot be accessed. I get on fine from Internet Explorer but about 2/3 of the time in the past week or so AOL won't let me on.

BUT...sometimes it will, like just now. But about an hour ago it WOULDN'T let me on. It can't be my AOL settings, cuz if it were it would never let me on I'd think.

I'll never understand computers! :-)

Friday July 10 21:18:19 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
devilman wrote:

> Anyone else getting a virus threat when they go to Major
> Johns Home page I get a HTML/Framer
> Anyone else?
> Devilman

Nope - I scanned with McAfee Site Advisor that prescreens sites before loading and comes out clean.
I suspect you have other problems on your home computer related to IE - don't ever use that!!
Same reply to the AOL guy - AOL runs IE by default.
Friday July 10 21:18:58 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
JP wrote:

> devilman wrote:
> > Anyone else getting a virus threat when they go to
> Major
> > Johns Home page I get a HTML/Framer
> > Anyone else?

For some reason I can't even get onto majorjohns.com as the green and red button saying 'over 18' etc aren't showing up. Is it just me or is there something I can do?

Friday July 10 21:19:17 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
My Bad,

Seems like the problem is sorted out I was told it was my puters fault apprantly so my apploggises to Major Johns site if it caused them any issues

Friday July 10 21:19:29 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
Union wrote:

> showing up. Is it just me or is there something I can do?

Can access it fine now, must have been a problem on my computer or something.

Friday July 10 21:20:28 2009
Re: Virus threat on Major Johns page (moved from The Discussion Page)
I am getting an intrusion attempt when I try. Best to contact them personally to keep the moderator here from getting PO'd.

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