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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday February 16 20:51:18 2010
TV/Movie scene tapes
Hello All,

I am entertaining the thought of getting rid of my Television/movie scene collection, which spans 20+ years. This roughly spans 1985-2009. All the scenes are on VHS and I estimate there are over 200 non-commercial, individual scenes. There is an emphasis on soap operas, but there are also tons of movies, made for TV movies and a few obscure things I’ve never seen in today’s trading/purchase/subscription market. They will come to you on 25 VHS tapes with a caveat that they are not chronicled in their existing form. Before I put this on EBay and/or for auction on any other channels, I wanted to offer it to those on this forum because of the ongoing connection and camaraderie we share through Brian’s page.

Since the 25 VHS tapes are not labeled, you will have to spend some time going through them and therefore, must own a VCR. When you fast-forward these tapes you are reliving history of the damsels in distress that Brian’s page has so generously given us a look into through the years as such a great host for our hobby.

I’ve not tallied them, so there may be well more than 200. At least 4 of the tapes are “multiple scenes” tapes that I either traded or bought over the years and include on average 25 scenes each thought there may be some duplication.

Though you may have seen the multitude of caps from various collectors, this is your chance to own them to do whatever you wish with them. It is a vid-cappers dream!

This is a rare find among collectors. Remember, as a Brian’s page fan/contributor since its inception (or close to it) I’m one of YOU and will make every effort to accommodate you if you are interested and orchestrate a fair deal.

If you want to inquire about a specific scene and send me an email, I will do my best to let you know if I think it’s in the collection. Please read that part again before you ask me if I’ll go though the hundreds of hours of footage looking for something you are looking for and then get pissed off when I tell you I can't possibly do that for you. Be respectful with me and I shall be with you too.

Also, I will not send, nor post anything I have within this collection because I do not have the technology to cap the VHS tapes into a digital format. I cannot do this for anyone.

There is bonus material scattered throughout these tapes as well that I will detail to anyone who asks. Please email me for terms and be respectful of Brian’s page and this website.



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