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Sunday January 23 18:38:40 2011
[14287] Grand Theft Auto IV aka GTA 4 aka Grand Theft Auto 4 aka GTA IV
Aside form the previously mentioned minor scene, there is a major plot point towards the end of the game (about 70% in) that involves kidnapping the daughter of a mafia boss. (Some minor spoilers follow..)

From a game aspect, the kidnapping arc takes place over the course of three missions received from Gerry McReary. They are:

1.) "..I'll Take Her"
2.) "She's A Keeper"
3.) "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend"

In "..I'll Take Her," you are assigned to execute the kidnapping, which is done under the ruse of test driving a car she has for sale online. As you drive around town, Gracie (voiced by Rebecca Benhayon) starts off as flirty and quite interested in your character. But once you get out of her mobbed up neighborhood, the game instructs you to initiate the abduction. Once she realizes what's going on, she shows a lot of spirit in her attempts to fight back- she keeps grabbing the steering wheel to crash the car, and even tries to jump out the back (the car is a convertible). Niko (you) finally gets fed up and punches her out. The mission ends with a cut scene where another goon carries Gracie, over the shoulder, into the gang hideout.

Shortly after the mission ends, you get a call from an accomplice who tells you that Gracie's father (the mafia don) does not believe that his daughter has been taken. To prove it, Niko must take a photo of her in peril to send as evidence.

Once back at the hideout, we see that Gracie has been tied to a chair and gagged with a dark cleave. She struggles and mummphfs enthusiastically, and does a LOT of gag talk (in fact, she can be heard through the hall door as you aproach the apartment). What she's wearing is basic- dark top and grey pants. But her hair is pulled back into a bun, which gives you an opportunity to walk around behind her and see the knot on the gag. Unfortunately, at this point we can't actually see any visible bonds (lazy programmers).

When you first get there, she has her head down as she struggles. Since the point of this is to get a good photo of her, you need to get her to look up at you. This is acomplished by giving her a smack across the face. But then she looks up at you directly so that you can get a picture of her on your phone.

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The object of "She's A Keeper" is to move Gracie from one safehouse to another. The mission opens with a cut scene where she's being walked to the car, still gagged, to be put in the trunk. For some reason, one of the goons removes her gag (not shown) before locking her in. As you drive around during the mission, Gracie offers you an assortment of muffled threats and profanity.

The closing cut scene shows a from-the-trunk point-of-view shot (a la Quentin Tarantino) of it being opened. Gracie's furious feet come flying out and kick at her captors, causing the trunk lid to be slammed shut again.

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"Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" is all about the ransom exchange. When you show up at the starting point, Gracie is gagged again and sitting in the back seat with one of your cohorts (Packie). On the drive over to the meet, plenty of snarky dialog is exchanged and she makes it very clear, through her gag, how much she hates your guts.

Another cut scene happens when you arrive at the ransom exchange, and this time we can finally see Gracie's hands bound behind her back as she walks across to her people.

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Other points of interest:

- Although I have not played it, I do know that the character who receives Gracie at the ransom swap is the main character in "Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad Of Gay Tony." (There are a few cross over missions between the characters of the three GTA 4 games.) As well, her voice actress is listed on IMDb as being in that game too. So it seems very possible that there could be a scene in that game.

- I have found and posted several video game scenes to this database. And this one, from an audio and graphical standpoint, is the best I've ever seen. Not only does it look great, but the voiceover is so good you may find yourself wondering if the actress was actually gagged during the recording.

- Fans of dialog may also enjoy Packie making reference to the gag in her mouth at the ransom exchange.

- Finally, for completing the mission "..I'll Take Her" you get an achievement on Xbox 360 (I don't know if a similar trophy exists for PlayStation 3 owners). The symbol for the achievement is a pictograph person in bondage. It's a tiny bonus, but I appreciate the designer's sense of humor on the subject.

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