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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday June 12 00:43:53 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
Vanessa Marcil in Las Vegas. That is all.

Saturday June 12 01:39:12 2021
Re: cutting room floor/what might of been
On June 11 2021 Gagster wrote:

> BTS photo only, and note correct spelling of her name:
> Record number: 25848
> Title: The Power (1968)
> Medium: Movie
> Actress: Suzanne Pleshette

My mistake, thanks. Boy, why the hell did they cut that out...Maybe available as a DVD bonus.

Saturday June 12 02:38:13 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
On June 11 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Has to be Olivia DeJonge in Better Watch Out. And it was
> such a long wait from the initial photo of Olivia
> bound(but ungagged)in her chair to the actual film's
> release. Much fevered discussion over that one. And
> turned out to be pretty well justified too :).

I agree Better Watch Out was probably the anticipated scene that I saw most discussed here.
And the discussion went on and on. I remember some people starting to post messages like "guys it was one scene of a pretty actress, it was nothing that special, get over it" and the moderator had to told them to stop moderating other people.
While I wasn't that much hyped, I disagree with the statement that the scene was "nothing special".
It is in fact a very special scene.
The whole movie is basically like a bondage/DiD commercial videoclip but with expanded cast, budget, and better acted out plot. Having watched the movie a second time I can say so. It's a bondage/DiD flick

At a personal level my most hyped scene was Merve Oflaz scene from Arka Sokaklar. I think it's the only scene in the last ten years of which I saw a preview and wanted to watch it as it aired (it is possible to watch Arka Sokaklar as it airs every friday on the kanalD site). I came back here and told how the scene was. But I remember that by coincidence another now known scene (I don't remember which) came out about the same days and robbed Merve of her spotlight here on Brian's.
At least that's how I recall it, maybe it's Merve's scene that isn't that great and just rubs my right spots.
Belts and Boots
Saturday June 12 04:37:36 2021
Merve Oflaz's scene
I think Oflaz's scene was ruined by her messy hair, no makeup and predominantly sloppily applied tape gags...could have been waaay better.
Saturday June 12 05:33:07 2021
Re: Merve Oflaz's scene
On June 12 2021 Matt wrote:

> I think Oflaz's scene was ruined by her messy hair, no
> makeup and predominantly sloppily applied tape
> gags...could have been waaay better.

I agree it could have been waaaaay better.
The sloppily applied tape almost ruined it. Also she mmmmphs very very little, which is another big minus
Belts and Boots
Saturday June 12 05:48:05 2021
Re: Interviews - Jennifer Garner ball gag?
On June 11 2021 Tim Creed wrote:

> On June 11 2021 Terry wrote:
> > On June 11 2021 Terry wrote:
> > https://imgur.com/a/V3fybtj
> The only place I ever saw this was in an issue of the
> official Alias magazine, but it was a feature on season 3
> and not a Garner interview. To my knowledge, there's been
> no explanation or comment made.

A reasonable guess is they sent a prop guy to the nearest sex shop for a ball-gag and he came back with that XL-size monstrosity. The image is probably a test photo to see how it looks and everybody agreed (especially Jennifer) that it was too big to wear for the HOURS it would take to film the scene. A pity they didn't know where to go for the right stuff (pun intended).

Saturday June 12 07:03:26 2021
Re: Indira Andrewin (Belize) gagged in 'Selva Tragica' (Mexico)
On June 11 2021 AOH Lover wrote:

> On June 11 2021 CB wrote:
>> Can you tell me what was she wearing in that scene when
> she was tied AOH ? Was she wearing that same white full
> sleeved dress ?

It was the same dress as in the preview, yes. But I think the sleeves were up a bit IIRC.
Saturday June 12 07:56:47 2021
Re: Indira Andrewin (Belize) gagged in 'Selva Tragica' (Mexico)
On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> It was the same dress as in the preview, yes. But I think
> the sleeves were up a bit IIRC.

I know it sounds bit weird, but all I want to know is did she exposed her armpits in that scene ? Because personal I like AOH scenes only if armpits are exposed. Sorry if I said anything wrong though.
AOH Lover
Saturday June 12 08:19:45 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Vanessa Marcil in Las Vegas. That is all.

Saturday June 12 09:25:28 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Vanessa Marcil in Las Vegas. That is all.

I remember when the first low-res promo pic surfaced and a user said "it seems like a DiD scene is coming", followed by an excited poster who said "It's Vanessa Marcil!!!" The whole forum rejoiced.
Clear (and Nostalgic) as Day
Saturday June 12 09:50:01 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
Have to agree with Better Watch Out. It is totally a DiD film and revels in Olivia's plight. Odd considering the director's orientation; also odd the putz stuff was minimised. Olivia is one of the most naturalistically beautiful damsels of all time. Feisty yet wonderfully vulnerable at the same time. Nice to see her career progress, playing Priscilla Presley etc. But still hope for another f/t scene for her. I'd kill for a knotted cleave. If they remade The Collector she'd be my first pick. Or Let's Go Play At The Adams'...with a happier ending.
Saturday June 12 10:02:28 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
On June 12 2021 Clear (and Nostalgic) as Day wrote:

> I remember when the first low-res promo pic surfaced and
> a user said "it seems like a DiD scene is
> coming", followed by an excited poster who said
> "It's Vanessa Marcil!!!" The whole forum rejoiced.

And to say that scene lived up to the hype would be an understatement.
Saturday June 12 10:06:45 2021
Italian scene ID
Anyone has any idea where is this italian scene from?

Saturday June 12 10:14:19 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene?
Better Watch Out inspired me to comment and make enquiries on this Hallowed Site for the first time. That initial picture posted here of Olivia ungagged and bound to a chair with Xmas lights, looking so beautiful, captured my imagination completely. I needed to know more, anything and everything about this little film, originally titled Safe Neighborhood. Most of all needed to know if she was gagged. Our insider friend stated that indeed she was, but it took several long months for pictures of Olivia in The Full to emerge. And the film exceeded my expectations completely. Instant classic; the likes of which occur o so rarely.
Saturday June 12 10:15:55 2021
Re: Italian scene ID
On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone has any idea where is this italian scene from?

*looks like a posted a dead link. So here is the scene


Saturday June 12 10:39:35 2021
Interviews - Jennifer Garner ball gag?
In any case, I personally celebrate the change of gag. See the fleshy mouth of this goddess so well sealed is one of the most exciting images of recent times. Great acting.
Dirk Diggler
Saturday June 12 14:08:46 2021
Re: Lighthearted scenes with good bondage?
On June 11 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> What are some scenes that manage to be lighthearted, low
> stress affairs, while the damsel actually seems to be
> tied fairly well?

I have a few that meet your criteria.

Blondie's Big Deal (1949) - Penny Singleton
Feature film based on the long-running comic strip. Blondie Bumstead (Penny Singleton) is working undercover at a crooked construction firm tthat is trying to steal a lucrative contract away from husband Dagwood's company. Her cover is blown and the two crooks tie her to a wooden chair. The ropes are hastily and sloppily applied, but they are tight and secure. She is silenced by a tight, really tight white cloth detective gag. Left alone, she struggles and mmmphs furiously, but can't get loose. Only the timely arrival of the crooks' secretary gets Blondie released in time to save the day.

Probe - “Black Cats Don't Walk Under Ladders, Do They?” (1.04) – Ashley Crow
Short-lived and vastly underrated series starring Parker Stevenson as eccentric prodigy Austin James and Ashley Crow as his assistant, Michelle “Mickey” Castle.
In tonight's last act, bad guy Kevin Drake abducts the pair at gunpoint and orders them back to James' laboratory. Mickey is seated in a caster-wheeled office swivel chair. She has been bound and gagged to keep her secure and out of the way while Drake confers with James. Her hands are tied behind the backrest. Three torso ropes, two above her breasts and one beneath, further secure her to the backrest. She is tightly detective gagged with a dark colored scarf.
When Drake turns his back to her, Mickey uses her unbound feet to maneuver in the swivel chair. She positions herself behind a free-standing shelving unit. Raising her unbound booted feet, she pushes over the shelving unit, sending it crashing down on Drake's head, knocking him out. “I thought you were going to take all day,” admonishes James.
At one point, we get a view behind the backrest, where we see some tight, intricate ropework.

Married with Children - “Kids! Wadaya Gfonna Do?” (5.19) – Christina Applegate
Bud Bundy gets sister Kelly Bundy (Christina Applegate) a job babysitting a group of urchins from Hell. She ends up standing beside the staircase, her body coiled from top to bottom in what seems like miles of rope. When Bud suggests that he has already spent Kelly's share of the babysitting fee, he thinks it prudent to leave his sister as she is. When Bud goes upstairs to bed, Kelly struggles furiously, but futilely, to escape the tight coils of rope.
Saturday June 12 14:13:54 2021
Mujeres al Limite scene
This post was deleted.

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The Moderator
Saturday June 12 14:13:57 2021
Re: Italian scene ID
On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On June 12 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Anyone has any idea where is this italian scene
> from?
> *looks like a posted a dead link. So here is the scene
> https://imgur.com/a/RVi8eVX

Title: Un passo dal cielo aka Un passo dal cielo 3
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Katsiaryna Shulha aka Caterina Shulha

Description: Episode: "La Leggenda Vivente" (3.18)

Italian crime series. Raven-haired beauty Natasha, who sports a cute bob cut (despite being a natural blonde), is taken hostage at a house. She is later shown sitting passively on a couch, hands tied behind her back with rope, feet unbound, and cleave gagged with a thin white cloth. At no point does she struggle or make a sound; just long sequences of her staring into space and glaring at her captors (one of whom serenades her with a piano piece). Lovely close-ups aplenty.

Later she is taken to a barn, where the bad guy's boss says to another: "You tie her up!" She is then bound and gagged again, feet now tied, sitting quietly in the hayloft. Joining her is a woman (who is not a captive) with a confused, crying toddler in tow. In a very endearing moment, the curious child approaches Natasha. This makes her smile through the gag, prompting the crying to stop. The woman then ungags and frees Natasha (giving us a nice view of the saliva-soaked cloth).

Tags: bonddesc_handsbehind, country_it, ending_release, gagtype_cleave, outfit_jeans, peril_gun, restraint_rope

Saturday June 12 17:40:17 2021
Re: Interviews - Jennifer Garner ball gag?
I think it was just an ad for the show: great idea, but it's really too bad they didn't spend a little more time and push that thing in a bit farther AND cinch it down tight (unless she has TMJ, then I guess that would have been it)

Saturday June 12 17:40:42 2021
Skimming thru this, there's a scene at 1hr 10mins (hands behind, thin cleave). Anything more to it? Capture scenes, etc.?
Saturday June 12 22:59:48 2021
Re: Most Hyped Scene
I think that on this site the two most hyped scenes may have been Charisma Carpenter on "Angel" and the movie "Encore."

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