Record number: 15906

Title: My Mother's Secret (2012)
Medium: TV Movie
Actress: Nicole de Boer aka Nikki De Boer aka Nicole DeBoer aka Nikki de Boer aka Nicole deBoer aka Nikki deBoer

Description: Two scenes for her in this, no gags though and all occuring in the last hour of the movie. (with commercials)

First is a dream sequence, Nicole is in a prison meeting room, sitting at a table, with her ankles shackled in leg cuffs close up and her hands handcuffed in front wearing a really nice lace tank type thingy and pants, yow.

Then later in sweater and pants sitting down with her hands taped over her head only and connected to a table top. The drunken captor says "don't bother screaming, we are ten miles out," yet minutes later three people come to the door looking for her.