Record number: 14004

Title: Taken in Broad Daylight (2009)
Medium: TV Movie
Actress: Sara Canning

Description: Canning portrays real-life kidnapping victim Anne Sluti, abducted from a Nebraska shopping mall in 2001. At about eleven minutes into the two-hours-with commercials edit, she's shown being hustled out of the stolen SUV her captor drove off with her in. The baddie duct-tapes her wrists behind her, blindfolds her with a gray cloth and sadistically offers to let her go if she can free her hands. She almost manages it, however, rubbing the tape against the barbed wire of a fence she stumbles into.

Then at about eighteen minutes, she's shown being driven in the SUV again, this time belted into the seat with her hands behind. She complains about her wrists still being tied and the kidnapper responds by trying to wipe the blood off her face. During the ensuing struggle he loses control of the vehicle which lands on its passenger side in a water-filled ditch. Once he climbs out, she begins crying for help as the water rises; there's one good shot from above of her struggling as she's nearly submerged.

At 27 minutes her captor is shown leading her along a dirt road by a chain locked around her neck. She's barefoot and complains about the discomfort caused thereby.

Finally, at about 52 minutes, there's a sequence of her stretching across the floor of a mountain cabin, still barefoot with her left ankle chained (although to what isn't shown), reaching for a phone to call for help.